from sanic import Sanic from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint app = Sanic(__name__) # Serves files from the static folder to the URL /static app.static('/static', './static') # use url_for to build the url, name defaults to 'static' and can be ignored app.url_for('static', filename='file.txt') == '/static/file.txt' app.url_for('static', name='static', filename='file.txt') == '/static/file.txt' # Serves the file /home/ubuntu/test.png when the URL /the_best.png # is requested app.static('/the_best.png', '/home/ubuntu/test.png', name='best_png') # you can use url_for to build the static file url # you can ignore name and filename parameters if you don't define it app.url_for('static', name='best_png') == '/the_best.png' app.url_for('static', name='best_png', filename='any') == '/the_best.png' # you need define the name for other static files app.static('/another.png', '/home/ubuntu/another.png', name='another') app.url_for('static', name='another') == '/another.png' app.url_for('static', name='another', filename='any') == '/another.png' # also, you can use static for blueprint bp = Blueprint('bp', url_prefix='/bp') bp.static('/static', './static') # specify a different content_type for your files # such as adding 'charset' app.static('/', '/public/index.html', content_type="text/html; charset=utf-8") # servers the file directly bp.static('/the_best.png', '/home/ubuntu/test.png', name='best_png') app.blueprint(bp) app.url_for('static', name='bp.static', filename='file.txt') == '/bp/static/file.txt' app.url_for('static', name='bp.best_png') == '/bp/test_best.png'"", port=8000)
from sanic import Sanic app = Sanic(__name__) app.static('/static', './static') app.static('/example_static', './example_static', host='')
from sanic import Sanic app = Sanic(__name__) app.static('/large_video.mp4', '/home/ubuntu/large_video.mp4', stream_large_files=True) 当stream_large_files为True时,Sanic将使用file_stream()而不是file()来提供静态文件。这将使用1KB作为默认块大小。而且,如果需要,您还可以使用自定义块大小。例如: from sanic import Sanic app = Sanic(__name__) chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 * 8 # Set chunk size to 8KB app.static('/large_video.mp4', '/home/ubuntu/large_video.mp4', stream_large_files=chunk_size)